Types of Cookies Used
Strictly Necessary (Essential)
Strictly necessary cookies must be present for the proper operation of the Website. They contain information about the choice you have made about the storage of cookies, which are not strictly necessary, and make the operation of the Website possible. They support main functions of it such as the navigation between pages and the access to the protected elements of the website. Without them the Website cannot function properly.
The Website doesn’t use this kind of cookies.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies allow you to use the entire functionality of the Website. They enable it to remember information which changes the way the Website behaves or looks, for example, the region in which you are located, as well as the language you prefer and in which the information on the Website will be loaded when you access it.
Functional cookies
Functional cookies allow you to use the entire functionality of the Website. They enable it to remember information which changes the way the Website behaves or looks, for example, the region in which you are located, as well as the language you prefer and in which the information on the Website will be loaded when you access it.
Name: | Purpose: | Retention period | Source: |
cookie_notice_accepted | Confirmation that the user has been notified of the cookies. | 1 Month | Cookie Notice & Compliance Plugin |
Analytics Cookies
Analytics cookies allows us to track the Website traffic. They enable us to analyze to what extent our users find it easy to operate with it and how they interact with it. These cookies give no information about your personal data. They show us which pages of the Website you have viewed, whether you have visited the Website through your mobile or desktop device and other anonymous data.
The Website uses Google Analytics to track and report the Website traffic and user behavior. In Europe, the service is offered by Google Ireland Limited, a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Ireland (Registration number: 368047). Google uses cookies to analyze your use of the Website, create reports about the activity on the Website and provide other services related to the use of the Website and the Internet. We use that information to assess the effectiveness of the information on the Website, as well as to develop and improve it to match the needs of its visitors.
The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with any other data held by Google. Google Analytics provides the information in an anonymized form to Google which uses it to assess the ways of using the Website and to report to us the activities performed on the Website according to the terms of use of Google Analytics. [PS1] You can learn more about Google’s privacy policies by visiting https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245.
You can disable cookies used by Google Analytics by downloading and installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on application. The application communicates with Google Analytics through JavaScript, instructing it not to send any information about the website visit to Google Analytics.
The Website doesn’t use this kind of cookies.
Advertising (Marketing) Cookies
Advertising (marketing) cookies are used to track visitors across several websites. Their purpose is to show advertisements whose content is relevant to individual users and which are attractive to them and can be activated by our advertising partners.
The Website uses advertising cookies of Facebook, provided by Meta Platforms Ireland Ltd. (previously known as Facebook Ireland Ltd.), a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Ireland (Registration number: 462932). In order to retarget personalized audiences, we use the Facebook Pixel programme that lets us measure, optimize and build audiences for our advertisements. You can learn more about Facebook’s privacy policies by visiting: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies.
The Website doesn’t use this kind of cookies.